UFC says it's "potentially losing tens of millions of dollars in revenues because our content is streamed" through all sorts of websites. Fertitta didn't name names, but ESPN vice president Ed Durso wasn't as circumspect. He called out live streamers like JustinTV, UstreamTV, LiveStream, TVU, channelsurfing.net, adthe.net, Sopcast, TVAnts, and myp2p.eu as particularly egregious examples of the practice.
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Some of those testifying admitted frankly that they don't fully understand where the streams come from (hacking appears to be involved in some cases), but that most appear to originate with users piping an analog signal into their computers, digitizing the stream with a cheap video capture card, then sharing it over "life streaming" sites like Justin.tv or through newer P2P services that can handle almost-live streams.
For the broadcasters, live sporting content is harder to police even than films and music, which have a longer shelf life. As UFC's Fertitta explained, "The value of our content is extremely perishable. A bout can be over in seconds. Even if the website takes the infringed content down within 15 minutes, the damage is done because the pirate viewer has already seen and extracted all of the value of our live content."
"I think it is wrong and seems unfair for these sites to shift the burden entirely onto copyright owners to monitor the streaming sites on a minute-by-minute basis during our live events to detect infringing video streams and send notices to the sites demanding that it 'take down' the infringing material while they profit from the traffic and ensuing advertising revenues."
Justin.tv, which was represented at the hearing, did point out that it is covered by the DMCA but also that it has voluntarily worked with content owners to cut down on infringing streams. And what a lot of streams it serves; CEO Michael Seibel said that his site delivered "47 million hours of live video to over 30 million viewers around the world" in October alone.
As Fertitta asked, were these really just pee-wee football games, local town hall meetings, and first-person live video of that time you got together with your buddies and like totally rocked out to Guitar Hero while drinking homemade eggnog?
"To be clear, any site that hosts user-generated content relies upon the DMCA for protection," he said. "For example, every major professional American sports league has a website that features message boards on which fans can discuss and share information about their favorite teams. However, there is always the possibility that a fan could upload an image, or the entire text of a newspaper article, without authorization. My own review of the sites of the four major American sports leagues revealed that every one of their websites includes a reference to the DMCA in their Terms of Use, indicating that they all appreciate the necessity of relying upon the DMCA for protection against users who might misuse their sites."
The subtext to many of these complaints was clear: make the lifestreaming sites do more to protect our content. For instance, law professor Christopher Yoo suggested that targeting the live streaming sites for legal action under "vicarious liability" rules might be productive. In essence, this is The Pirate Bay argument; sue the hubs for facilitating piracy.
ATDHE Live football streams are a good way to watch the games. Reddit is a site where people go to find live streaming events from all around the world. It has been used as a source for all types of live streams, as well as many other things.
1f fTIIEiTHE WASHINGTON HERALD flERALBSUNDAY SUNDAY JUNE 26 1910 5OMENS OMENSOF NS OF HISTORY AND OF TODAYBy RUDOLPH DE ZAPP ZAPPPeople ZPPPeopleS ZtPPPeopiGPeople of O today believe as much much In Inomens Inomena Inomeiomens omei and superstitions as they ever did didand didand didandand tho th very presence In this city of a alarge alarge alargelarge number of professional fortune fortunete11ers IOXtUflOtolIer8 fortunetellerstellers who do a thriving buslsesa busIso not notonly notOnly notonlyonly from the lower and socalled ig ignorant Ignorant Ignorant norant classes but who are patronized patronizedbyby society people the cultured and andwealthy andwealthy andWealthywealthy classes is ample proof for my mycontention mycontention myContentioncontention contentionItIt must be admitted that omens om ns and andsuperstitions and8uperstlUons andauperstltlonssuperstitions have had so much to do doin doIn doInin giving color to history and in mold moldIng molding moldIngIng and manifesting the th conduct cpnduct and andcharacter andcharactor aildII character of nations not less than Indi Individuals Individuals mdividuals viduals that the subject is more than thanmerely thanmeroly thanmerelymerely curious curiousFollowing curiousFoJIowlng curiouskk Following arc a few of what may be becalled becalled becalledcalled the social and personal superstl superstltlonsrthe superstltonsrth suparstitlonsthotlonsrthe fancies And usages of the thecredulous thecredulous thecredulouscredulous simple Impl and strange warnings warningsofof approaching fate by omens or dreams dreamsthat drelUl1sthat dreamsthatthat that come com they from what source they theymay theymay theymaymay form part of the romance of hia hiatory hiatory historytory and of life and with regard to towhich towhich towhichwhich not aU can be so skeptical as asperhaps asperhaps asperhapsperhaps they ought or would desire desirePOETRY desirePOETRY desirePOETRYPOETRY OF OMENS Omens consti constitute constitute constitute tute the poetry of history They cause causethe causethe causethethe series of events which they are sup oupposcd BUPosd supXostdposcd osd to declare to flow into epical unity unityand unityand unityii and the political catastrophe seems to tobo tobu toii bu produced not by prudence or by byfolly byfolly byfollyfolly but by the superintending destiny destinyThe destinyThe destinyTheThe numerous tokens of the death of ofHenry otHenry ofHeuryHenry IV cr are finely tragical Mary of ofMedlois orMedlals ofMedlalsMedlals in her dream saw the brillant brillantgems brm brtllantgems ant antgemsgems of her er crown change into pearls pearlsttw pearlsth4 pearlsthttw th symbol s f bol of tears and mourning An Anowl Anowl Anowlowl hooted until sunrise at the window windowof wIndowat windowofof the chamber to whish the King and nntlQueen nndQueen andQueenQueen retired at St Denis on the th night nightpreceding nightrrtcedln nightI nightprecedingI preceding her coronation During the theceremony thecbromony theceremonyceremony it was observed with dread dreadthat rtreadthat lteadthatthat the dark portals leading to the theroyal theT0ys11 theroyalroyal sepulcher sepuJ her beneath the choir wore weregaping woregaping woregapinggaping and expanded The flame of the theconsecrated thellnsecrated thectnsecratedconsecrated taper held by the Queen was wassuddenly wassuddonly wasIsuddonly extinguished and twica twlc her hercrown htrcrovm hercrownI crown nearly fell to the ground The Theprognostications TheJ1ODOiitlcatIons Theprognosticationsprognostications of the misfortunes of ofthe ofthe ofthethe Stuarts have equally a character of ofsolemn ofsolemn ofsolemnsolemn grandeur and we are reminded remindedofof the portents of Rome when we read readhow readhow readhowhow the sudden tempest temp8 t rent the royal royalstandard ro royalstandard al alstandardstandard on the Tower of London LondonCharles LondonCharles LondonCharlesCharles I yielding to his destiny was wasobstinate wasobstinate wasobstinateobstinate in the th signs of evil death He Herefused Herefused Herefusedrefused to be clad cu In the garments of ofEdward orEdvard ofEdwardEdward the Confessor in which all his hispredecessors hisprcflf hispredecoesorapredecessors prcflf C6sors had boon arrayed arr ed and he hewould hewould hewouldwould ba attired In white velvet Strange Strangely Strangely ly did the th Earl of Pembroke P mbrok attempt to todissuade todiesuado todissuadedissuade him for the prophecy of I the themlitortunQ themisfortune he hemisfortunemisfortune of the White King had Ions Ionsbeen lonibeen lonrbeenbeen current but his entreaties were In Invain 111vaIn invainvain and Charles was crowned Invested Investedwith Invostcdwitl investedWithwith the raiment which indicated his hismisfortunes hismlstortuno5 hismisfortunesmisfortunes misfortunesTHE mlstortuno5THE misfortunesTHETHE SHAKING ASPEN The aspen is ispopularly IspOl1ularly ispopularlypopularly said to have h ve been the tree from fromwhich fromwhtch fromwhIchwhich the Cross was made m de upon which whichOar whichOur whichLiLi Our Saviour was crucified and thence thenceforth thenceforth thenceforth forth its boughs have been filled with hor horror horro herh h roe ro and trembles ceaselessly ce3 elessly Unfortu Unfortunately Unfortunately tJnfortur r nately for the probability 1 of this story storythe storythe storythethe shivering of the upon p n In the breeze breezemay broezemay breezeFF may be traced to other than a super supernatural supernatural superk k natural cause The construction of its itsfoliage Itsfollage itsfoliagefoliage Is particularly adapted for mo motion motion 1 tion a broad leaf le f Is placed upon a long longfootstalk longfootstaUr longLL footstalk so flexible as scarcely to be beable beable beableable to support the leaf In an upright uprightposture uprightposture uprightpostureposture the upper part of this stalk s lk on onwhich onWhich onwhichwhich the play or action seems mainly mainlytoto depend is contrary to the nature of offootstalks atfootsWks offootstalksfootstalks in g general enerlll n ral being perfectly perfectlyflattened parfeltlyflattened perfectlyflattenedflattened and as an eminent botanist has hasacutely hasacutely hasacutelyacutely observed obser d is placed at a a right rightangle rIghtansle rightangleangle wIth the t leaf lea being thus particu particularly particularly particularly larly fitted to receive the tha1ntpulse Impulse to toevery toevery toeveryevery wind that blows The stalk la fur furnished furnished furfished nished with three strong nerves placed placedparallel placedparallel placedparallelparallel and acting in unison with each eachother eachother eachotherother but toward the base the stalk be becomes becomes becomes comes round and then th the nerves as assume assume assume sume a triangular form and constitute constitutethree constitutethree constitutethreethree distinct supports and counterac counteractions countractlons counteractions tions to each others motions motionsTHIRTEEN moUonsTIIIRTEEN motionsTHIRTEENTHIRTEEN TO DINNER There is a aprejudice aprejudice aprojudiceprejudice existing generally on the pre pretended pretendoddang protended tended tendoddang danger dang r of being th the thirteenth at attable attable attabletable It the probability be required requiredthat requiredthat requIredtthat out of thirteen persons of different differentages aUferentages differentagesages one of them at least least shall die diewithin diewithin diewithint within a year it will be found that the thechances Utechances Ihechanceschances are about one to one that one onedaath onedoath onedeathdeath at least will occur This calcu calculation ca1ouatfon calonlatlon lation by a means of a false Interpreta Interpretation interpretation interpretation tion has given rise to th the prejudices prejudlcaenono less ridiculous that the danger Will w411be Willbe willbebe avoided by inviting a e greater number numberof numborat numberofof guests which can only have the effect effectof oootot effeatofof augmenting the probability of the theevent theevent theeventevent so much apprehended apprehendedLOOKING apprehendedLOOIUNG apprehendedLOOKINGLOOKING BACK The superstition of ofthe otthe ofthethe Illluck of looking hack or returning returningisis nearly as old as the world itself hay having h haytog v vlng tog doubtless doubtl SS originated in Lots wise wltehaving wlehaving wisehavinghaving looked back from behind him himwhen himwhen Ini Iniwhenwhen he was led with his family and andcattle andcattle andcattlecattle by an angel outside the doomed doomedCity doomedCity doomedcityCity of the Plain Whether walking or orTiding orTiding orridingTiding the wife was behind her husband husbandaccording husbandacoordln husbandaccordingaccording acoordln to a usage still prevalent in inthe Inthe inthethe east east where no woman goes before beforeoror beside her husband Oriental Illus Illustrations IUui IUuitrnUOft8 Iliu Iliutratlons trations says It is considered exceed exceedingly oxeeadIngly exceedIngly ingly unfortunate in Hindustan for men menor menor menoror women to look back when they leave leavetheir leavetheir oov oovtheirtheir house Accordingly if a man gods godsout goesout goeaoutout and leaves something behind him himwhich himwhloh himwhichwhich his wife knows he will want she shedoes shedoos shedoesdoes not call him to turn or look back backbut backbut backbutbut takes or sends It after him and if ifsome itsome Ifsomesome great emergency obliges him to tolook tolook tolooklook back he will not then proceed on the thebusiness thebuslne thebusinessbusiness he was about to transact A Asimilar AslmUllr Asimilarsimilar feeling teeUn is entertained in some someparts someparts somepartsparts of England though not carried carriedsoso far Into operation operationUNLUCKY operationtlli OperationUNLUCKYUNLUCKY tlli UCKY FRIDAY Friday has ftom ftomtime fiomtime fmmtime jtime immemorial been superstltlouly super tttio ly con considered considered considered sidered an unlucky day because proba probably probably probebly bly of the crucifixion of our Saviour on onFriday onFrIday onFridayFriday a day of fear ro r and trembling of ofdarkness ofdarknee ofdarknessdarkness and earthquake and the fast fastordained fastordained fastordainedordained by the church contributed to toperpetuate toperpetuate toperpetuateperpetuate these mournful associations associationsThe assoclatfonsI assooIatlonTheThe belief in the unluckiness of Fri Friday Friday Priday I day especially has a strong hold upon uponsailors uponsaUors uponsailorssailors although the moat glorious voy voyage voyage voyage age ever made that of Columbus to toAmerica toAmerica toAmericaAmerica began on a Friday FridayThe FridayThe FridayTheThe Romans had their lucky and un unlucky unluck unlucky lucky luck days and on the latter would not notundertake notundertake notundertakeundertake any an business buslne for fear It should shouldhave shouldhave shouldhaveI have a bad conclusion they considered consideredthem consideredthem consideredthemthem as unhappy and of illomen The TheFrench TheFrench TheFrenchFrench have also an unlucky or unfor unfortunate unfortunate unfortunate tunate day and this is Friday On this thisday thisday thisdayday they the will not undertake any busi business buSIt t I ness of Importance for fear of Its turn turning turnIng turntog ing out badly or a long Journey lest it itabound Itabound Itaboundabound with distressing dl5tressln accidents A Amarriage AmarrIage Aiiarriagemarriage Is seldom contracted on this thisday thisday thisdayday lost It should prove unhappy Leigh LeighHunt LeighHunt LeighiuntHunt iunt tells us that Lord Byron believed believedinin Ute Illluck of Friday and was seri seriously seriously seriously ously disconcerted if anything was to be bedone badone bedonedone qn that frightful day in the week weekNapoleon wekNapoleon weekNapoleonNapoleon the First was always careful carefulnot carefulnot carefulnotnot to to undertake anything of importance importanceonon Friday he also believing In the ill illluck 111luck illluckluck of Friday FridayHOUSE FridayHOUSE FridayHOUSEHOUSE CRICKETsT CRICKETS It Is singular that thatthe tlatthe thatthethe house cricket should by some weak weakpersons weakpersons1 persons be considered an unlucky and andby andby andbyby others a lucky inmate of a dwelling dwellingThose dwellinGThose dwellingI >I Those who hold the latter opinion con conelder consider coneiderelder its destruction d truollon the means of otbrlng otbrlngIng bring bringing bringtog ing misfortunes on their th th lr habitation habitationOMENS habitationOMENS habitationOMBNSOMENS OF OUR OUROWN OWN TIME When WhenGeorge WhenGeorge WhenGeorgeGeorge in was crowned a large emerald emeraldfell emeraldtell emeraldfellfell from his crown America was lost lostin lostIn lostInin his reign When Charles X was wascrowned wascrowned wascrownedcrowned at Rheims ho accidentallydropped his hat hat the Due dOrleans Louis LouisPhlUppo Louis LouisPhilippe LouisPhilippePhilippe picked it up and presented it itto Itto ittoto him On the Saturday preceding tho thopromulgation thopromulgation theproinulgauonpromulgation of the celebrated cel brated ordi ordinances ordinances ordinances nances by Charles Xs ministers the thewhite thowhite thewhitewhite flag which floated float d on the column columnIn columninIn the Place Vendomeand Vendomo and which was al always always always Iways hoisted when the royal family was wasIn Wasin IIn Paris was observed to be torn In Inthree Inthree Ithree places The tricolor waved In Its Itsstead Itsstead i isteadstead the following week On the morn mornIng mornIng morningIng of the rejection by tho House of ofLords ofLords ILords of the first reform bill the dawn dawnwag dawnwa5wag indeed overcast with storm At the theperiod thePerlOd theperiod Iperiod of Napoleons dissolution dls oluUon on the the4th the4th4th of the month in which he ex expired expired cxpired Ipired the island of St Helena was wasswept wasswept wassweptswept by b a tremendous storm which tore toreup toreup toreupup almost all the trees about Longwood Longwoodbyby tho roots The 5th was another day dayof dayof dayofof tempest and at about 6 the evening eveningNapoleon eveningNapoleon eveningNapoleonNapoleon pronounced totelfannee tote armee and andexpired andexpired Iexpired expiredPICTURE expiredPICTURE expiredPICTUREPICTURE OMENsT OMENS Archbishop Laud Laudnot Laudnot Laudnotnot long before the disastrous circum circumstances circumstances circumstances stances happened which hastened his histragical histraglcal histragicaltragical end on entering his study one oneday oneday onedayday found his picture at full length on onthe onthe onthethe floor the string which held it fas fastened fastened Instoned tened to the wall having snapped The Thesight ThesIght Thesightsight of this struck the prelate with such suchan suchan suchanan awelng sense of the probability of ofhis othIB ofhishis fate that from that moment he never neverenjoyed neverenjoyed neverenjoyedenjoyed a moments peace It It moreover moreoverbrought moreoverbrought moreoverbroughtbrought back to his mind a disaster that thathad thathad thathadhad occurred to one of his boats on the thevery thovery theveryvery day of his translation to the see of ofCanterbury otCanterbury ofCanterburyCanterbury which sank with his coaches coachesand coachesand coachesandand horses Into the th Thames ThamesThe ThlUl1esThe ThamesTheThe Duke of Buckingham was struck strucfcby struckby structbyby an occurrence of a similar kind he hefound hefound hefoundfound his picture in the council chamber chamberfallen chamberfallen chamberfallenfallen out of its frame This accident accidentIn aocldentInIn that age of omens was looked upon uponwith uponwith uponwithwith a considerable degree of awe aweSAILORS aweSAILORS aweSAILORSSAILORS WHISTLING Some of our ouri oursallors oursailorsi sailors have a strange opinion of the thedevils thedevlls thedevilsdevils flower and agency In stirring up upwinds upwinds upwindswinds and this Is the reason that they theyso theyso theysoso seldom whistle on shipboard esteem esteemIng esteemIng esteemingIng that to be a mockery and conse consequently conseQuently consacuently quently an enraging of the devil devilunless devilunlessIndeed devilunlessindeed unless unlessindeedindeed In a cabin when whistling Is an aninvocation anInvocation aninvocationinvocation Zoroaster himself imagined imaginedthere Imaginedthere Imaginedtherethere was an evil spirit that could ex excite exclto cxcite cite violent storms of wind windLUCK windLUCK windLUCKLUCK OF BIRTHDAYS The for fortunes fortunes fortunes tunes of children are believed by many manyfond manyfond manyfondfond parents to be much regulated by bythe bythe bythethe day of the week on which they were wereborn wereborn werehemborn Here is a rhyming adage on tho thosubject tho8ubj thesubjectSsubject subjectMondays 8ubj subjectSMondays et et1foodAJMondays child c Dd is fair air in laM fscaTwsdays laMTwedaJs faceTawdaysTwsdays thUd is fall of ofWfduefdals grace graceWedmedsys graceWedeIaysWedmedsys child c Ud Is Ml of wee iroeThursdays W W1IuInIiBrs weeSS Thursdays Thure a7a child has far to ge geFrid1 geFrhkya 9 9FridaysFridays Frid1 child fe toting l T I1t and drln drlnSaturdays girlnz girlnzsu slrfnrselsadareSaturdays su aTI child works hard fer its living livingAnrtVa UT UTABd livingAndaAnrtVa ABd child thats barB ea a Christmas day dayIs dayIC husband will como and take it out outThere outThere outThereThere is also a another condition related relatedthat relatedthat relatedthatthat the rose Is to be gathered gath ued and sealed sealedup rscaledup sealedupup while the t e clock IB 1 striking twelve at atmidday atmIdday atmiddaymidday middayi mIddayTHE middayTHEi THE BLESSIN BLESSING BLIESSINGOF FIELDS In Longfellows Hiawatha 1 awatha an anancient anancIent anancientancient and pleasant pl ant superstitious cnn custom enstom cnntorn tom among the > Indian tribes Is made madothe madothesubject the thesubject thesubjectsubject of ope of the divisions of the thepoem thepoom thepoempoem poomOncOnes when all the maize was planted plantedHiawatha p nH1aWatha ilantedUtauihaHiawatha H1aWatha r wise and thoughtful thoughtfulSpake thooabtfulSpake thoughtfulSpakeSpake and said to Mlnnehaha MlnnehahaTo M1ncthl1ToTo his wife the Laughing Water WaterYou WaterYou WaterYouYou should less toni tA tDnlght nliht ht the corofielda corofieldaDraw cunfleldsDw 1dI 1dIDrWDraw a magic dido round them themTo them themTo themToTo protect prot Ct them t em from destruction destructionBlast d dcaizucflouBlact ct1on ct1onDlutBlast of mildew blight of lw 1nect 1nectWagemIn insect insectWegenilu t tWasemlnWasemln the thief of cornfields cornfieldsPaimoeaid mnAcJdsPl ournfl5elclsPalmosaid i li iROYAL STAMP COLLECTOR COLLECTORKing COLLETORKng COLLEcTORKingKing Kng George a Zealous Devotee of Science of Philately PhilatelyOther Phiately Phiatelyter PhilatelyOtherOther ter Rulers Also Aso Have Collections ColectonsBeoausft It la the custom of Great GreatBritain GreatBritn GreatBritaInB06UBritain Britn and ad her colonies to Illustrate lustate all allstamps aUatp8 allstampsstamps atp8 of regular Issues isues with the > per portrait pr prtt pertrait trait tt of the te reigning reiging sovereign sovereIg there tee Is Isabout I Isaboutin all the thenumerous thenumerous thenumerousabout to t be a general change cangenumerous Issues of that empire upon uponwhose uponwhos uponwhosewhose whos shores the sun never sets setsSo setsSo setsSoSo from Antigua Antga in the West Indies Indiesto IndIesto Indiestoto the FIJI FJI Islands la Oceania Ocela from fromGrlqualand tam tamGrqunland fromGniquslandGrlqualand Grqunland In Africa AfrIc to Sunge Sugol UJong UJongIn UJongIn TjjonginIn Asia from Prince Prnce Edward Island In InNorth InNorh InNorthNorth Norh Aia America Aerica to the Falkland Fakland Islands IslandsIn IslandsIn IslandsInIn South Sout America Amerc the te picture picure of King KingGeorge Kng KngGorge KingGeorgeGeorge Gorge Is to take tke the place pla of that of the tholate thelat6 thelatelate and lamented King Edward VII V on onstamps onstamps onstampsstamps of the realm realmAmerica realmAmerca realmAmerIcaAmerica Amerca according accrding to dispatches dispatce from fromLondon tromLondonfs fromLondonLondon Londonfs is to have the first frst postage postagestamps postagestaps postagestampsstamps staps bearing the portrait portrat of the new newKing newICig newICIngKing Orders have already been given givenfor givenforICig gven gvenforfor lithographing lhogaphing a n new halfcent halcent stamp stampfor stamptor stampforfor Canada and a a new 6cent Scent stamp for forNewfoundland torNowoundJand forNewfoundlandNewfoundland The designs deigs were ap approved opproved proved personally personUy by b the King KingThe KingThe KingTheThe new stamps stmps of England are expect expected expct expcted expected ed to follow tol ow closely and throughout troughout tho thoworld thoworld theworldworld wherever the British Brtsh flag waves wavesand wavesad wavesandand ad wherever John Bulls Duls post extends extendsthere extendslhere extendstherethere will be a a rapid elimination of theI The late King and ltd his widow wiOI King George and his QueenP Prince of Wilts W e Victoria Y1oa in 1S37 1 and a 1837 1837present 1 1present iSTpresentpresent designs desigs and a replacing of them themwith themwIth themwithwith llttlo Uto mall mal carriers crriers bearing the plc picture plcturo plctune tune of King George GeorgeI Gorgc GorgcII am told that the number of varieties varietiesofaretes aretesotof stamps staps that will wl undergo a a change oang6ls oang6lsnot Is Isnot isnotnot less than tan 370 370It 3i 370ItIt I is a coincidence that pictures of ofKing otKng ofKingKing Kng George and his Queen have already alreadyappeared alroadyappeared alreadyappearedappeared on those thoe colonies clonies that are to tobe tobe tobebe the first fst to picture him as King KingS KingThe Kng KngTeS C e S STheThe Te halfcent tercentenary torntear Issue of Que Quebec QuebeG Quobee beG ia IMS 1 Th bore br the portraits praits of the to then thenPrince tbenPrince thenPrincePrince and Princess of Wales Waes now King Kingand Kingand Kingandand Queen of England England The 6cent cet New Newfoundland Newfoundland Newfoundianti foundland of 1898 1 showed the te present presentKing prsnt prsntKing presentKingKing and the 4cent stamp stmp of that land landIn lad ladIn landInIn 1901 191 portrayed prtaye the then princess princessThe pincess pincessTbe princessTheThe present Prince of Wales Wae was Wa per portrayed pr prtray8 pertrayed trayed tray8 on the half hal cent of Newfoundland Newfoundlandin NewtouudJand NewtouudJandInin 1SSS 1 g Stamps Stmps of that same set s t bore boreportraits boreprtrais boreportraitsportraits prtrais of the late l te Queen Victoria Victria King KingEdward KingEdward KingEdwardEdward and nd his widowed wlduwo Queen QueenVictorias QueenVlctorlas QueenVictoriasVictorias Vlctorlas picture appeared appre on innu innumerable Innumerable innumorable merable stomps stmp prior to her demise and andvarious andyarlous andvariousvarious issues Isse showed her at different differentperiods dlCerent dlCerentperiods differentperiodsperiods of her reign reig from her coronation coronationtoto the very ver y yr year ar of ot her death deathOn deat deathOnOn the occasion of Victoriasosion Vlctras Jubilee Jubileethirteen jUblee jUbleethirteen jubileethirteenthirteen years y rs ago ag Canada Caada issued i t a a ape spei speFROM spe spet speFROM apeFROMFROM WOMANS WOMANSPOINT WOMANSPOINT WOMAJVISPOINTOFPOINT POINTOF OF VIEW VIEWIt VIEWIIt I is difficult dltcult to understand undestand the curt curiosity curtoelt curlOsity osity oelt upon which feminine nature feeds feedstho feedstheUlon fees feesthotho keen interest Interet in the affairs alalr ot f others otherswnich otherswnlchwnich prompts women to listen lsten at key keyholes keyhole keyholes holes hole and ad door cracks crack to sit st at windows windowsInIn darkened rooms or behind bebln closed c d blinds blindswith blnds blndswith blindswithwith peepholes through which the go goIngs g goingsIngs In and nd comings cmings of neighbors neighbrs can ca be 4b 4bserved served out we know that tht they exist exist We Weknow W Wknow Weknowknow that mischief mishief lurks in every ever corner cornerby cornerby cornerbyby reason of them themThere themTere themaa as asThereThere Tere are two women living 1vlng on a se secluded secluded seeluded cluded street who Just wait for night fall falland faUand fallandand the enjoyment they find in the clan clandestine cla clandestine destine destne meetings meetng of men and women who whohave whohave whohavehave no right to be together many of ofwhom ofwhom ofwhomwhom are recognized recogize by the watchers watchersDo watchersDo watchersDoDo they keep kep these secrets eccret Surely SureJ not notThey notThey notTheyThey are retailed retaie from house to houseand houseand house houseandand occasionally occsionaly reach the te ears eas of per persons parsons persons sons who are able to make things thIng lively livelyfor lvelY lvelYtor livelyforfor the culprits culpritsOffenders culpris culprisOtendersS S S S SOffendersOffenders against agalnst laws of any kind de deserve de desene deserve serve punishment but It I might be al allowed allowed RIlowed lowed to travel through proper channels channelsCuriosity chanels chanelsCurIosiy channelsCuriosityCuriosity CurIosiy of a personal prsonal nature nate is not notwholesome notwholesome notwholesomewholesome and it is a pity that it I should shouldbe shouldbe shouldbebe allowed alowe to crowd out the many useful usefuland usefuland usefulandand healthy healhy things of life Ue We never neverhave neverhave neverhavehave time tme enough to enjoy nature to Its Itsfull Itsful itsfullfull ful to lend a I helping hand to all al who whoneed whoneed whoneedneed It It to read rea all that Js I worth reading readingand reaing reaingand readIngandand see all al that should be seen and ad if ifwe I ifwewe squander our time tme upon such ignoble ignoblepursuits Ignoblepursuits Ignoblepursuitspursuits as spying and gossiping we are arecheating areclleaUng arecheatingcheating ourselves ourslves S S SThe shamefully shamefullyThe shamefuly shamefulyThe shamefullySThe affairs aralrs of others should have no In Interest Interest interest terest for us save in cases caes where they theytouch theytouch theytouchtouch our lives If I any woman woma has ha a abetter abeter abetterbetter beter way of doing anything It should shouldappeal shouldappeal shouldappealappeal to our Interest Interest We should take takenotice takenotce takenoticenotice notce of illness Uness in which we can ca lend a abit abit abitbit of assistance assistce or show some signs of ofsympathy ofsympathy ofsympathysympathy We may not approve of much muchWe muche muchweWe e see but that does not give us the theright theright therightright to criticise critclse or discuss it I publicly publiclyThe pUblclY pUblclYThe publiclyTheThe right of living according to individ individual Individual individual ual taste Is 1 tacitly tacity conceded provided providedthe provIdedthe providedthethe laws of the land are satisfied satisfiedIt Eatsfied EatsfiedIS 555 555ItIt I Is easy to cultivate culate the habit of fault faultfinding faul faultfindingfinding fnding It I Is extremely etremel difficult dltcul to train trainones trainonos trainonesones self to the task tak of picking out vir virtues vIrtues vietues tues and Ignoring faults It Is not easy easyto easytoto forget things we see seEf seeand and hear and ad the thetongue thetonge thetonguetongue tonge Is an unruly unrly member mambe that occu occupies occupies occupies pies the position positon of the ungoverned ungoverne chil children chndren childron dren we see ee e on every evey hand Womenjire WomenjirenotWomenJre WomenJrenotnot alone in indiscreet speech for many manymen manymen manymenmen in high places have hav paid dearly for foran fora foranan a unguarded ungarded tongue but as a a sex se we wearc wearc wearcarc given to a a quality qualty of curiosity curosiy which whichisis not common cmmon to menmenBETTYmenDE BETTY DE BFrnA BRADEEN BRADEENA DIDEN DIDENAA fine fne lawn waist need not be discarded discardedbecause discardedbecause discardedbecausebecause of a a hole or through fear of an anunsightly anunsighty anunsightlyunsightly unsighty patch Take a piece ple e of tho thomaterial thomaterial thematerialmaterial wet it t in cold ijtarch trch tarch and lay layunder layunder layunderunder the hole Iron smoothly and then thensee thensee thenseesee ing the result resula resulta a neat patch wthout sew sewing sewing sewIng To keep a 8 fine gloss on your varnished varnishedfloors varnishedfloors varnishedfloorsfloors sprinkle with coarse salt let re remain remain remain main for five fve minutes then sweep off offwith Offwithwith Uh a soft sof broom Do this and your yourfloors yourfoor yourfloorsfloors foor will wlI look IOoka as if neyrty nWIY varnished varnishddAA camp ap chair chnr is a handy thing in a akitchen akichen akitchenkitchen kichen It I can be hung on the wall or orkept orkept orkeptkept under the table when not in use userrclal clol stamp smp showing two to pictures plotue of her herone heroneone at the time tme of her coronation in 1537 1537and 1337andand the other depicting depictng her at the date dateof dte dteof dateofof the to Jubilee jublee JK 1 18fl 18flUpon > 7 7Upon 7UponUpon the death deat of Victoria VIcoria her face facewas facewa facewaswa was succeeded succee o by that thatot of Edward on the thestamps thestmps thestampsstamps stmps of Britain and ad her colonies Just Justas justa Justasas a Edwards Is now about to be succeeded succeededby succeededby succeededbyby that of King George GeorgeIt GeorgeIt GeorgeItIt is a very ver interesting Interestng fact that the thepresent thepresent thepresentpresent King of England is himself an ar ardent ordentdent student of stamps stmps and ad of stamp stap col collecting collectng cotlooting looting lectng To some extent It was wa through throughhis trough troughhis throughhishis influence that his royal father fathe raised raisedthe raisedth6 raisedthethe London Lndon philatelic philtelc society to t a plane planewith planewih planewithwith wih other scientific sclentifo organizations organizton of the therealm therealm therealmrealm changing Its Is name ntqne from a more morecommonplace morecommonplace morecommonplacecommonplace one to the Royal Philatelic PhilatelicSociety PhUateUcSociety PhilatelicSocietySociety f fKng5 5KingKing Kng George Grge has ha been the active actve presi president president presldent dent of this veiy ver notable notble organization organizationand orgaization orgaizationandand has ha always taken a deep interest in inits InIt initsits It proceedings procedings and welfare welae He has at attended attende attended tended tende its Is meetings meetng and ad its it exhibitions exhibitionsand ehibitons ehibitonsand exhibitionsandand he has been an exhibitor exhibior at tftesa tftesalatter thesalater thesslatterlatter later as a a well wellHis wcl weltHisHis collection cleton of t stamps 1taps is said to tobe tobe tobebe worth 600000 50 He gathered It with withgreat withgreatgreat get care and gives It his personal at attention attention attentlon tention In evidence of his Intense Inteno In Interest Interost inthroat throat In the te science it i may be cited citedthat cted ctedthat citedthatthat in 1904 l he purchased at auction aucton for for7io7600 1 a a rare 2 penny stamp of Mauritius MauritiusThe MacrltU3 MacrltU3Te MauritiusrhoThe Te new King Kng has frequently trequenty Intrusted Intrustedhis Intrustedhis intrustedhishis most precious specimens specmens to private privateand privateand privateandand public exhibitions exibitions He has has con contributed contrbut contnibuted tributed trbut too to to stamp literature lerature giving givingresults gving gvingresult givingresultsresults result of personal research reserch in the thephilatelic thephlateUo thephilatalicsphilatelic phlateUo field fied One of his papers paper con concerned concered concorned corned cered a rather intricate question that thathad thathadhad to do with wih the to manufacture of the thepaper thepper thepaperpaper pper on which the first frst stamp of Den Denmark Denmark Denmark mark S was as printed printedAt printed printedAt printedS printedAtAt a meeting of the Royal Philatelic PhilatelicSociety Philatelc PhilatelcSiety PhilatelicSocietySociety Siety a short time ago he read a apaper apper apaperpaper pper prepared pepared after diligent d1gent study on onThe onThe ottTheThe Postal Issues Issue of the United Unie King Kingdom Kng Kngdom Kingdam dom During the te Present Pesent Reign Rlga Reigna a paper paperthat papr paprthat paperthatthat will w1 always be an authority authoriy on a amost amostmost mot important Imprnt phase phae of modern pnilate pnilately pnllatly phhlatalyly lyAnd lyAd And Ad so S it I seems to pass ps that philate philatelists philatelst philatelists lists lst the world orld over are deeply Interested Interestedinin the new British Bllh sovereign sOYerelg not alone alonefor alonefor aloneforfor the reason ron that his portrait portrit Is to play playaa conspicuous c part par In stampdom but butbecause butbecauo butbecausenspcueus atampombecause becauo King George Geore himself Is a zeal zealous zealous zealOHs ous devotee of their science and ad they tey will willfeel willfeelfeel more than ever that they have a afriend afriend afriendfriend at court courtThe court courtTheThe collecting cletng of Kings Kings head hea stamps stampshas stampshas tampshashas been a favorite tayorle phase phae of philately phiately for forpeveral toreYerl forreveralpeveral eYerl years It I promises to be still stillmore sunmore stillmoremore popular now nowLONG nowLONG nowLONGLONG ISLAND IL BESOBTS BESOBTSSLANDS BSORTSISRSORTS RSORTSrLONGI IOCEANrLONG ISLANDS IS SLANDSAN LAN DS DSOCEANOCEAN AN SHORE SHORESORTS SHORERESORTS SHORERESORTSRESORTS RESORTSThe SORTS SORTSTheThe MOST JIST DELIGHTFUL Along Alongthe Alongthe Alongthethe Atlantic Atfutlc Sea Coast CoastIf Const ConstIt CoastIfIf you have hve never ne nev sum summered summered summered mered at one of these re resorts resorts resorts sorts you ou have still sUl an another another another other delight to be real realized realized reallzed ized izedOver ized izedOver lzedOverOver 400 Miles Mies of Shore Line LineUnequaled LineUn LineUnequaledUn Unequaled ualed conditions conditons for forsurf torsurf forsurfsurf and still sti water bath bathIng bathIng bathtogIng boating baing and fish fishing fsh fshIng fishIng ing golfing tennis and andthe andthe andthethe finest fnest roads In the thecountry te tecountr thecountrycountry countr for motoring motoringSend motoringSend motoringSendSend 6c to the Passenger De Department Deprtment Dcpartment partment prtment Long Lng Island R R It R R it 263 263Fifth 263I 263FifthFifth Fth Ave A e N Y for copy of ofbook otbok ofbookI book bok Long Island Island Resorts ResortsMASSACHUSETTS ResortsMSACHSETTS ResortsMASSACHUSETTSMASSACHUSETTS MSACHSETTS BESOMS BESOBTSROCKPORT REORTS REORTSStrailsmouth BESOMSStraitsrnouthStrailsmouth Inn InnROCPORT InnflOCKPOltTROCKPORT ROCPORT MASS MASSOwn MASSOm IASSMaTOwn May 2S S Directly DiT oa C the rocks at the te extreme extremetadtad of Cape Ann Every L room rs has an ocean ee eeAln vies vievAlirays viesAiwaysAlirays Aln AlnABitM cooL ABitM ABitMu Suite with pr private > rat bath For rates ratesaad ratessadsad u particulars address addressEprCI E E 8 WILKINSON WLKINSON Prop PropBeach Pp PpTHE PropTHEBeach De ch Bluff BluffOpen Dlu BluffOpenTHE BELLEVUE1 DSS DSSOpOpen Op JOM 10n 1 L Under Untr management maugt of Mrs M Mr ANNIE NIEB OLCOTT OLO 31 Chestnut Cmut o t Boston tO formerly f = of ofKeaberma ofKrDb ofKenbermaKeaberma KrDb Inn In Hull Hul Mass MassMAINE MassMAINE cTMUIMMAINE M RESORTS EESOBTSLIBERAL RESORTSMINERAL RESORTSMINERALMINERAL SPRING HOUSE HOUSEKENNEBUNK HOUSEKNUNK HOUSEKENNEBUNKKENNEBUNK KNUNK BEACH BEACHOPEN MAINE MAINEOPEN MAINEOPENOPEN JUNE JNE 15 15 Coder UDe new n management mget Mod Modem ModTa to em Ta Improvements On bill overlooking pineen ipveent O hi omlok1g Jte grores groreswith geoTeswith Tewith wi QBebstructed UI ocean 0 Tiew le All A table products productsfrom productsfromfrom fr own o farm fa Famous Fas mineral mner water wte used u ezcla ezclastieJy ec1 excinsivelystieJy Writs for ratesaT Wrte fa ratesH nteH L EDGCOHB Manager ManagerMaine ManagerMaineH L EGCM Mi MiMaineMaine Coast CoastOpens CoastPeaks CoastPeaksPeaks Island House HouseOv HouseOpensOpens Ov in 1f June 1une Accommodations Acmoatol for 5 551 0015 1 minutes mnte sail Y1 from Portland Pon Me MeAll Ye MeAllAll Al side lie trips tp easily es reached reachedBofttlntr rced reachedBoatingBoating BUn fishing fldn and lathing bthlni ALWAYS JLWAYS COOL COOLFor COOL COOLForFor Fo booklet ble address ad R I IL E E ROWE ROW Peaks Pek Island Iaaud Me MeKITTERY MLKITTERY MeKITTERYKITTERY POINT ME METHE METHE MEFilETHE CHAMPEUIfOWNE CHAMPEUIfOWNEBooms OIAERNOVNE OIAERNOVNEm CIfA3IPERNOWNERoomsBooms m en e Miiu ulb > with wth private Iute baths bathsBooklet bth bthBole batheBookletBooklet Bole BOWARD MITCHELL lrEL lrELfiarshal Prop Propmarshal PropMarshallrORK roRKHAItnoIt roRKHAItnoItOpen nOR BOttOpen nOROpnmarshal fiarshal House rORJS rtOpen Opn June un 25 2 Overlooking OTcloklni Atlantic Atntc Ocean Ocen Cool Cooland CootAndand an invigorating bllgUg air ai Pure Pr water wter Excellent EcUet table tableAH tableAllAH improvements 1 elevator elt electric ele lights l ht C COarage cGarageGarage Gag E E z B et1 MARSHALL RSHL Prop PropYORK P PYOR PropYORKYORK YOR HARBOR HAROn 3IE 3IEMrtf 11 11Hotel MELIHotel Mrtf LI 4 I I Albracca AK3 Il IL SOPERB Jb VIEW OPriOTGI MIDraCCa racca ATLANTIC lWl T OCEAN OCEANSeashore OCEANSeashoreSeashore Suoe and a country cntl combined cbne Garage Gag Booklet Bookletand JJoklrt JJoklrtan Bookletandand an terms tes on o request rue BAKER BAKE BAKER BAKERMABYLAND BAKE BAKEMYD BAkERMARYLMThMABYLAND MYD BESOBTS BESOBTSMountain RORTS RORTSLOCH SORTS SORTSLOCHLOCH LYNN HOTEL HOTELMountain HOTELMountainMountain Lake Park Md MdNow MdNow MdNowNow open Modern Moder odem conveniences conveniencesCasino convenences convenencesCasino conveniencesCasinoCasino with wt swimming swing pool poolbowling poolbowlng pooibowlingbowling bowlng alleys aleys and ad poolrooms poolroomsTennis pooloom poolroonisTennisTennis Teni boating boatig Excellent Excelent music musicFor musicFor musicForFor booklet booket terms tr o address addressLL B G LIST LST lroprefor lropreforVmGI Proprietor ProprietorVIRGINIA roprieorVIRGINIAVIRGINIA VmGI RESORTS BESOBTSOCEAN RSORT RESORTSOCEANOCEAN OCEA VIEW VW VAMERRIMAC V AMERRIC COT COTtage COTtage COTtagetage open for guests gest all al modern mo ernlm ernlmprovement im improvements improvementa provements provement large veranda verada water front frontlargo frontrgo ont ontlargolargo rgo house 178 178HOTELS 178HOTESHOTELS HOTELSWASHINGTON HOTES HOTESSt BOTELSStSt St Jares JamesEura JamesEuraWASBINQTON Eurpean EurpeanJAINQONWASHINGTON JAINQON i iu D D OL a 0> jiu = =ATlANTIC ATIC CITY CIT HOTELS HOTELSMiCHIAN HOTL HOTLHOTEb ROTELSHOTELHOTEL ARLIIGTONi ARLIIGTONiMICHIQAI ARLIIGTONMICHIGANMICHIGAN AVENIE BEAR BEACH BEftCHOpen BEACHOpen BEACHOpenOpen all al year yea capacity cpaiy 230 20 Improved Improvedand Improve improvedandand refurnished returlshed elevator running nnlng water waterIn waer waerIn waterInIn write for forbooklet torbooklet forbookletrooms rom open opn surroundings surounding wrtebooklet and ad special speci June and July rates ratesownership rte ratesownershipownership owership management managementR manaementR R J OSBORNE SON SONTHE SONTHE SONTHETHE ABSECON ABSECONFormerly ABSECONFormerly ftBSEC ftBSECFormerlyFormerly Belmont BefmoniATLANTIC BelmontAT BelmontATLANTICATLANTIC AT J CITY CIT N J JAmericanPr Fireproof Wth with al all mo snoclern cTenlel convenIences Ne NewI7fuae furnished and d dte dooorated New c plubng plursb4ng pasgerai pasgeraisadu sad painted throughout tt a cost of neaziy IIt SO gO51 gO51Americanrte tt C nulAmerican and nd European o plans pIns plansIlateaBates It Moderate Mete E Service 6c Good GoodO GoO D PAINTER PAINTERTHE P PAINTERUE I III THE UE Ocean anu anuC a4 a4PiRENOVO ZSS Sr SrPiersC a a s w Close to beach beachPiersPiers Pi and nd attractions a0 Bathing Blt from fr house 1 fLSO L50 per psrdar perlopdar dr 80 lo 0 weekly weely MRS MS L L I K K LOWER LOWERKeataexy LWE LWENEW Low LowNEW PNEW CLARION and l3K Keataexy Beach Are AreandV RI VII 8 K BONIFACE BONIFACEHftfI IIONIFACBHtl AC ACHotelj HftfI riuiei Hotel Ofiowfol urieniai Oriental OrientalEeto OIitnIre + ss I Orients Onientalavenear Onientalavenearss i > acn Hreprwf areearEeto Elevator etclc electric Hi1 Ught lights Rooms Rom with private bathSplendid B 01 Imld cuisine c n RI 2 up daily 10 Wt 0 up Inte weekly bdh MWHITE lT formerly folT llc Hol lIteL f BtTAndrew Bt St cY An Andrew New weJ1 Ywt YwtGALEN Y YGALEN Yo YoGALEN 1GALEN HALL HALLHOTELHOTEL AND SANITARIUM SANITARIUMOwing 1 1OwnOwing Own to our or Tonic Tc and a Ouratire OrUTe Baths Bat oar o de decant de alesant cant comfort and exceptional table tad serviceere always ro busy e tbo lud ic wo woere 10 10Arc wearealway busyF byF Iu L r4 TOUNG Cant Gm Manager ManagerInfonnatloaSIr Mai ManegerInfonnatlmMrInfonnatloaSIr Inot11 Fester Fe opposite Opt WilUrd Wmar Betel HcUlTHE Iot IotTHE BetelrAETHE Ill WESTmOnT wrrtInaii flLUIfl SANITARIUM SANITARIUMbaths SANITARIUMSplendidly HOTEL fJ i AND L Lanleanle Splendidly = n appointed ted moderate supenier tableleand service Sea water curative and touts tcoloHOTELbaths bth Booklet Bole V I II tt MOORE Mi MiHOTEL Ilge IlgeHOTEL =HOTEL RUDOLF RUDOLATLANTIC RUDOLFATNO RUDOLFATLANTIOATLANTIC ATNO COT C N J JAMERICAN 1AMERICAN aAMERiCANAMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS PLANSEarly P1AH3 P1AH3Erly PL4P13EarlyEarly Erly Spring Rates Now Prevail PrevailLocated Pravi PrevailLocatedLocated Ite directly dfe on 0 Beach B and an Boardwalk Bn 401 401coeanTlew 4O 4Ooceanview 2ff7e9595c